Wizarding World of Harry Potter ( Report and Tips)

So here as promised is my trip report on Wizarding World Of Harry Potter.  I went to WWOHP all three days. Now as a lot people do they rush to the ride i did but on day one i tried the test seats and i just personally didn’t feel i was at a point yet where i could fit comfortably in them and enjoy the ride so i didn’t do it  I know alot of people rave about that ride and i wll get on it but heres the thing.  Universal could easly make a type of seat that would fit everyone comfororbly. Take the ride at disney misson space the ride fit to your body type and everyone can enjoy it becuase the way US made the ride seats depending on your hight and just your porrtions you may or may not get one next to me was a guy was had to have weighted almost twice my weight he however have his weight in different places and was fine to ride. So just cuz a tall huge guy can get on just make sure you test the seats. The last thing you want is to be embarrassed because you can get on.


You can buy her dress in the main shop when you enter Islands of Adventure along with Pr D , Snap they are about 400 but they what the actors wore in the movie 🙂


Amazing British Food ( from an Americans view)


Owls made sounds moved and stuff so cool


Go on Flight of Hipogriff for a great view of Hagrids house

So with that said here are the reason i ended up going back to it two more times.  The detail in WWOHP is incredible insane acually.  If you read the book, saw the movies or both.  You will be in AWE of it when you enter.  Here are a few photos i took ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

As far as tips go here are some that i wish i knew before hand when i went

if you have any please leave me a comment

1. GO Late Or Early ( NEVER in Between) dont go at in the afternoon ever Harry Potter is always crowed no matter what time but if you go in the early morning or late maybe 2 hours before closing is the best time.

2. Walk though all the gift shops , they all have different stuff and make sure to bring about 100 if you really plan on getting stuff the actual repica robe cost 109 just as a starter.

3. TRY BUTTERBEER and get frozen its the only way to go.

4. Make sure to really just take your time in the store and all around there is tons of things to see and appreciate.

5. The two show at HP world are fun but not a absolute must see if your die hard fans of HP your love them.

6. Number one tip here !!!! if you go on the ride make sure to also do the castle tour its amazing !!!! just ask a cast member. BUT DO IT you can really enjoy most the castle then ( no outside though in the castle tour )

With all that said i went in January one day was nuts crowed and then one day i spent over an hour just in the shops. Pace your self while there and just take it all in.

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